People are starting to notice the attractive narrow, round, foliage and upright habit of common rush and what it can add to the landscape. This plant looks beautiful and performs well around ponds, in wet areas, low spots or meadows. It adds an architectural element wherever it is planted. Common Rush sometimes reaches four feet; its upright habit is impressive in t
Tags: Rush

Juncus inflexus
Light Requirements:
Full Sun
Mature Size:
1-3 Ft. Tall & Wide
Cold Hardiness Zone:
Growth Rate:
Foliage Color:
Flower Color:
Reddish Brown
Bloom Period:
Water Requirements:
Low - Once established, water occasionally; more in extreme heat or containers.
Care Instructions
Easily grown in consistently moist to wet soils in full sun. Thrives in neutral to alkaline soils. Needs ample moisture, grows well in standing water up to about 3” deep. Once established slowly spreads by creeping rhizomes. May freely self-seed in optimum growing conditions. Propagate by division in early spring. Cut back old folaige in early spring.