Deutschland Astilbe

Tags: Astilbe
Astilbe x arendsii 'Deutschland'

Graceful, airy mounds with plumes of snow white, feathery flowers. Works well in pots and tubs. Creates a very showy landscape accent in moist areas, such as around pools and water features, in a shaded to dappled shade setting. An herbaceous perennial.

Light Requirements:
Full to partial shade
Mature Size:
1-3 Ft. Wide x 2 Ft. Tall
Cold Hardiness Zone:
Growth Rate:
Foliage Color:
Flower Color:
Bloom Period:
Water Requirements:
High, Water regularly to maintain evenly moist soil.

Care Instructions

Thrives in organically rich, evenly moist, acidic, well-drained soil, sited in bright shade or filtered sun; does not tolerate dry conditions. Mulch to keep roots cool and moist, avoiding the crown. Clip spent blooms for a tidy appearance. Remove old foliage and stems in early spring. Feed in early spring, and again after bloom.