Small white blooms produce bright red fruit in fall, providing vivid winter color on bare stems. Plant a late-blooming male pollenizer such as Southern Gentleman Winterberry nearby for berry production. Use as foundation color or in the back of a border for seasonal interest. An ideal natural hedge plant with an upright habit.
Tags: Holly, Winterberry

Illex verticillata 'Winter Red'
Light Requirements:
Partial Sun
Mature Size:
8 Ft. Tall and Wide
Cold Hardiness Zone:
Growth Rate:
Foliage Color:
Flower Color:
Bloom Period:
Water Requirements:
High, water regularly to maintain wet or evenly moist soil - weekly or more.
Care Instructions
Provide organically rich, acidic, moist, loamy soil; tolerates wet, heavy soils. Water deeply, regularly in first few growing seasons to establish root system; once established, water regularly to maintain evenly moist soil. Feed and prune annually to shape before new growth emerges in late winter to early spring. Pruning time: winter.