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Alaska Shasta Daisy

Alaska Shasta Daisy

A long-living, sun-loving perennial with frilly white petals surrounding a cheery yellow center. Matures to 2 feet tall. Great for containers and borders.
Magnus Purple Coneflower

Magnus Purple Coneflower

Named 1998 Perennial Plant of the Year! A well-behaved plant with bold six-inch wide, magenta-rose flowers; petals are horizontal, not pendulous. Attracts butterflies; perfect for the informal, nature-inspired garden. Excellent cut flower. Perennial.
Autumn Fern

Autumn Fern

Bold and beautiful choice for shady borders and woodland gardens. A dwarf-growing fern with young papery fronds that display coppery-red color, maturing to deep green. Spreads by underground stems.
Blue Angel Hosta

Blue Angel Hosta

The largest of the blue hostas with pointed, silver-blue leaves forming a lush mound. White, bell-like flowers on 3 to 4 foot stems adorn the huge clump in summer. Sure to attract attention in the shade garden.
Bronze Beauty Carpet Bugle

Bronze Beauty Carpet Bugle

Excellent spreading groundcover featuring deep blue flower spikes and attractive bronze foliage. Forms a dense, carpet-like mat, even in shady areas!